Applications Open for the Japan-U.S. Science Communication & Policy Fellowship Network – June 3 Deadline
The Okinawa Institute for Science & Technology (OIST) Foundation in partnership with the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University’s Center for Professional Development & Inclusive Excellence (C-HUB), the Wilbury Theatre Group, and University

OIST Foundation Donates Piano to Connect Art and Science Through Music
PRESS RELEASEOctober 26, 2021 U.S.-based OIST Foundation, with major support from the Ryuji Ueno Foundation, donates a “Golden Era” Steinway Piano to Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. New York, NY — On
Innovating Higher Education in Japan Webinar – October 15 @ 8:00 AM JST (U.S.: October 14 @ 7:00 PM EDT)
Join the Japan ICU Foundation and the OIST Foundation for this new webinar series focused on the Future of Education in Japan. Education touches and transforms the future by shaping the minds of the next

OIST財団 仲宗根松郎・ツル子基金設立記念事業 子供の日特別企画 オンライン講演会
私の未来沖縄の未来 講演会「宇宙と私 〜紙コップでプラネタリウムを作ろう!〜」沖縄出身の天文学者 嘉数悠子(理学博士)がハワイからライブ講演 沖縄の女子生徒にSTEM教育の普及を支援するOIST財団ナカソネ基金設立記念にあたり、教育アンバサダーで天文学者の嘉数 悠子氏が子供の日に向けたオンライン講演会を行います。 使用言語:日本語対象年齢:中学生(小学生の参加も可能) 未成年の参加者の皆さんは、保護者の許可を経てから登録するようお願い致します。 参加に必要なもの紙コップLED懐中電灯または携帯のライト押しピンのりペン オプション印刷した星座表(登録後のリンクから入手できます)ハサミ 登録はこちら:https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OSSzU7VJR0GWexUqq0tj9Q

Dr. Yuko Kakazu appointed as the Foundation’s Education Ambassador
The OIST Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of Subaru Telescope Astronomer and Public Outreach Specialist as our inaugural Education Ambassador. Read the press release here: https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/538405910/subaru-telescope-astronomer-dr-yuko-kakazu-appointed-education-ambassador-for-the-oist-foundation

First Anniversary Gala
The OIST Foundation celebrated its first anniversary with a virtual gala on December 2, 2020. Over 200 people attended to hear a dynamic roundtable on the future of science and technology that included Dr. Andrew

OIST Foundation First Year Anniversary Gala – December 2, 2020
Join the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Foundation (OIST Foundation) for our virtual one-year anniversary gala on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM EST (Japan: Thursday, December 3, 2020 from 8:30 to 10:00 AM

OIST Foundation Launches New Climate and Environment Related Series
Join us on Wednesday, November 11 at 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST) and in Japan: 9:00 AM JST on 11/12 for an important webinar titled, The Future of Biodiversity in the Pacific Region: Conserving

July 23 @ 6:30 PM EDT: The Science of Entrepreneurship in Japan
July 23 @ 6:30 PM EDT / July 24 @ 7:30 AM JST: Interested in the challenges and opportunities of being an entrepreneur in Japan? Want to understand the role of higher education in fostering

June 30 @ 9 AM JST: Strengthening transnational bonds in the era of online connections: Research and Educational Exchange in the U.S., Japan, and the Philippines
June 30 @ 9 AM JST (June 29 @ 8 PM EDT): Join the OIST Foundation, in partnership with Fulbright Japan and Fulbright Philippines for a timely discussion on the future of research and educational

June 23 (Japan Time): Business as (Un)usual: Scientific and Business Perspectives on COVID19
On June 23 at 7:30 AM JST (June 22 at 6:30 PM EDT), please join the OIST Foundation in partnership with the Asia Society and International House of Japan for a dynamic webinar on science

June 4: The Future of Coral – Climate Change and Coral Reefs in the U.S. and Japan
On June 4 at 6:30 PM EDT (June 5 at 7:30 AM JST) join the OIST Foundation for an exciting live discussion about cutting-edge research in the U.S. and Japan on the impact of climate