Supporting scientific breakthroughs, innovation, and the sustainable development of Okinawa through OIST
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Foundation
The mission of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Foundation, Inc. is to promote innovative global scientific breakthroughs through enhancing and strengthening science and technology research and related programs at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) and to empower Americans to support the sustainable development of Okinawa and deepen U.S.-Japan relations through OIST.
Announcing the Japan-U.S. Science Communication & Policy Fellowship Network – Applications Due June 3, 2022
The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Foundation, the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University’s Center for Professional Development & Inclusive Excellence (C-HUB), the Wilbury Theatre Group, and University of California, Riverside Science to Policy — will partner for the inaugural Japan-U.S. Science Communication & Policy Fellowship Network Program funded by The Japan Foundation. The program, which looks to link scientists in the United States and Japan, focuses on helping scientists effectively and strategically communicate their studies and discoveries. Applications, due June 3, are now open. Applications are here: tinyurl.com/SciComm2022.
This program promotes meaningful cooperation between the two countries on global challenges by bridging a critical gap between science and policy. The Program brings together early-career scientists from Japan and the U.S. to engage in bilateral training and exchange for effective communication towards strategic collaboration with policymakers. Selected Fellows will participate in a year-long cohort experience and receive training to communicate science-informed policy to a wide audience.
Our Programs

Connect the U.S. and Japan Through Science
The OIST Foundation fosters opportunities for U.S.-Japan collaboration in science and technology and promotes U.S.-Japan science diplomacy through events, workshops, and strategic partnerships.

Supporting Scientific Breakthroughs
The OIST Foundation supports scientific breakthroughs by funding innovative research at OIST and helping OIST researchers foster strategic research partnerships in the United States.

Global Science Leadership
Donations to the OIST Foundation foster the development of science leaders by providing scholarship support and by empowering OIST to provide a dynamic campus experience for students, postdocs, researchers, and all members of the community.

Innovate Okinawa
With your support, the OIST Foundation can provide the funding needed to transform inventions in the laboratory to globally relevant technologies that can help build an innovation ecosystem in Okinawa.

Inspiring the Next Generation
Donations to the OIST Foundation enable OIST to inspire the next generation of Okinawans to excel in the sciences through STEM educational outreach trips, the Ryukyu Girls in the Sciences project, and through teacher training programs.

Women in Science
The OIST Foundation supports OIST’s mission of ensuring that women and girls can thrive as scientists.

Applications Open for the Japan-U.S. Science Communication & Policy Fellowship Network – June 3 Deadline
The Okinawa Institute for Science & Technology (OIST) Foundation in partnership with the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University’s Center for Professional Development & Inclusive Excellence (C-HUB), the Wilbury Theatre Group, and University

OIST Foundation Donates Piano to Connect Art and Science Through Music
PRESS RELEASEOctober 26, 2021 U.S.-based OIST Foundation, with major support from the Ryuji Ueno Foundation, donates a “Golden Era” Steinway Piano to Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. New York, NY — On
Innovating Higher Education in Japan Webinar – October 15 @ 8:00 AM JST (U.S.: October 14 @ 7:00 PM EDT)
Join the Japan ICU Foundation and the OIST Foundation for this new webinar series focused on the Future of Education in Japan. Education touches and transforms the future by shaping the minds of the next
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Supporting scientific breakthroughs, innovation, and the sustainable development of Okinawa through OIST
1 Bridge Street, Suite 64, Irvington, NY 10533 • info@oistfoundation.org • (914) 296-4260
The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity chartered and headquartered in New York. Our EIN number is: 83-1791477.
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