May 14: From Okinawa to the Subaru Telescope: Dr. Yuko Kakazu’s Journey as a Galaxy Hunter and Outreach Expert

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Join the OIST Foundation for our 3rd U.S.-Japan Science Webinar on Thursday, May 14 at 6:30 PM EDT for a dynamic discussion with Dr. Yuko Kakazu, Astronomer and Outreach Specialist at Subaru Telescope in Hawaii. Dr. Kakazu will speak with us about her journey growing up in Okinawa, becoming interested in astronomy when she attended the NASA U.S. Space Camp program at age 13, and her amazing scientific career in astronomy and outreach work with OIST.

Dr. Kakazu graduated from Tohoku University in Japan and then obtained her Ph.D. at the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. Since then, she has worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Paris, France (Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris), California (California Institute of Technology), and Chicago (University of Chicago). Her research focuses on metal-poor galaxies and distant galaxies in order to understand galaxy formation and chemical enrichment history.

This webinar is co-Sponsored by the Subaru Telescope and National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.

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Connecting the US and Japan through Science

Supporting scientific breakthroughs, innovation, and the sustainable development of Okinawa through OIST

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The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity charted and headquartered in New York. Our EIN number is: 83-1791477

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