OIST Foundation Mission
The mission of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Foundation, Inc. is to promote innovative global scientific breakthroughs through enhancing and strengthening science and technology research and related programs at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) and to empower Americans to support the sustainable development of Okinawa and deepen U.S.-Japan relations through OIST.
OIST Foundation Board of Trustees
Mr. Takeshi Ueshima, Chair
Founder/CIO, Heritage Fund Management, LLC
Mrs. Julie Meier Wright, Vice Chair
Former Secretary of Trade and Commerce, State of California
Senior Fellow, California Council on Science & Technology
Senior Fellow, U.S. Council on Competitiveness
Mrs. Rhonda Donahoe, Treasurer
Former Board Member, TheraVida and Kips Bay Medical, Inc.
Dr. Hiroyuki Fujita, Co-Chair, OIST 10th Anniversary Campaign
Founder and CEO, Quality Electrodynamics, LLC (QED)
Chief Technology Officer, CT-MR Division, Canon Medical Systems Corporation
Chairman of the Board, The Ohio State University
Chairman of the Board, Cleveland Clinic Hillcrest Hospital
Honorary Consul of Japan in Cleveland
Board of Governor Member, OIST
Lt. Gen. Wallace “Chip” Gregson (USMC, Ret.)
Former Assistant Secretary of Defense, Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, U.S. Department of Defense;
Former Commanding General of III Marine Expeditionary Force and Marine Corps Bases Japan
Dr. Yuko Kakazu
Astronomer and Public Outreach Specialist, Subaru Telescope and Thirty Meter Telescope Japan Project
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Hawaii
Mr. Minoru Kano
President and CEO, Kanomax Corporation
President, Kanomax Holdings
Mr. Edward Kuba
Former Regent, University of Hawaii
Former Trustee, University of Hawaii Foundation
Dr. Faisal Mahmood
Assistant Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
OIST Foundation Senior Advisor
Mr. David Janes
Executive Director, Global Citizens Initiative
OIST Foundation Climate & Ocean Ambassador
Dr. Robert Dunbar
W.M. Keck Professor of Earth Sciences
Senior Fellow of the Woods Institute for the Environment
Stanford University
OIST Foundation Education Ambassador
Dr. Yuko Kakazu
Astronomer and Public Outreach Specialist, Subaru Telescope and Thirty Meter Telescope Japan Project
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Hawaii
OIST Foundation Health Innovation Ambassador
Dr. Hiroyuki Fujita
Founder and CEO, Quality Electrodynamics, LLC (QED)
Chief Technology Officer, CT-MR Division, Canon Medical Systems Corporation
Chairman of the Board, Cleveland Clinic Hillcrest Hospital
Honorary Consul of Japan in Ohio
Board of Governor Member, OIST
OIST Foundation Music Ambassador
Ms. Eiko Kano
Concertmaster and Senior Artistic advisor of Pegasus: The Orchestra
OIST Foundation Leadership & Team
Ms. Jennifer LaGrippo
Executive Assistant
Ms. Nina Harano
Undergraduate Research Fellow
OIST Foundation Strategy Council
Ms. Daniela Kaisth
President, Gratias Partners
Senior Advisor for Philanthropy, OIST Foundation
Ms. Emily Weisgrau
President, Weiswood Strategies, Ltd.
Senior Advisor for Communications, OIST Foundation
The OIST Foundation holds a Gold Seal of Transparency from Guidestar
OIST Foundation Advisory Board
Mr. Jeffrey Char
President, J-Seed Ventures, Inc.
Founder & Chairman, TRENDE, Inc.
Amb. Andrijana Cvetkovik
CEO & President, BrioNexus KK
Dr. Richard Dasher
Director, U.S.-Asia Technology Management Center
Stanford University
Dr. Jonathan Dorfan
President Emeritus, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Former Director, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Ms. Atsuko Fish
Trustee, Fish Family Foundation
Founder, Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative
Dr. Susan Hackwood
Professor Emerita, Electrical and Computer Engineering & Former Dean, Bourns College of Engineering, University of California Riverside
Former Executive Director, California Council on Science and Technology
Mr. Carl Hoffman
Co-Founder and CEO, Basis Technology
Mr. William W. Hunt
Former Vice Chairman, State Street Corporation
Founder and President, TRN Capital, LLC
Dr. Kathryn Ibata-Arens
Vincent de Paul Professor of Political Science, DePaul University
Mr. Ren Ito
Vice President of Global Strategy, Mercari Inc./ Senior Fellow,
New York University School of Law
Ms. Samjhana Khanal
Senior Advisor, Ashoka Global Venture Program
Advisor, Asian Women Entrepreneurship Network
Mr. Eiichiro Kuwana
President and Co-Chief Investment Officer, Cook Pine Capital LLC
Ms. Virginia Littlejohn
Co-Founder and President of Innovation and Strategic Initiatives, Quantum Leaps, Inc.
Ms. Kay Makishi
Founder, Makishi Apparel
Ms. Karen Maples
Founder & Chief Catalyst, FutureForward
Founder & President, Myutiq, LLC
Ms. Susan McCormac
Founder, JapanCulture-NYC
Okinawan Kenjinkai of New York
Mr. Gary S. Moriwaki
Partner, Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP
Dr. Charles Morrison
President Emeritus, East-West Center
Mr. Norman Nakasone
Senior Vice President, Central Pacific Bank
Dr. Matthew Perry
Wildlife Biologist
Descendent of Commodore Matthew C. Perry
Ms. Nobuko Saito Cleary
President, Cross Cultural Communications
Mr. Michael M. Sera
President, Sera Consulting, LLC
President, Japanese American Museum of San Jose
Mr. Jake Shimabukuro
Dr. Sheila Smith
Senior Fellow for Japan Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
Dr. Nancy Snow
Walt Disney Chair in Global Media and Communication, Schwarzman College
Professor Emeritus of Communications, California State University, Fullerton
Pax Mundi Professor of Public Diplomacy, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
Ms. Nao Takada
Principal, Takada Legal, P.C.
Mr. Dennis Teranishi
President and CEO, Pacific International Center for High Technology Research
Ms. Rona Tison
Executive Vice President, Ito En North America, Inc.
Mr. Tomoyuki Uehara
President, Okinawa Kenjin Club of Washington State
Ms. Donna Vuchinich
Executive Director, University Development, Advancement and Alumni Engagement, Simon Fraser University
Former President & CEO, University of Hawaii Foundation
Dr. Robert Yanagisawa
Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai Ichan School of Medicine
President, Japanese Medical Society of America
Dr. G P Yeh
President and Chairman, G P Yeh Foundation
The OIST Foundation Expresses its Deepest Appreciation to Our Charter Sponsors
Ms. Claire Chino
Drs. Machi & Gregory Dilworth
Ms. Rhonda Donahoe
Dr. Jonathan & Mrs. Renée Dorfan
Ms. Shoko Farmer
Mr. James Gannon
Lt. Gen. Wallace “Chip” Gregson
Mr. Karén Hakobyan
Mr. William Hunt
Ms. Riki Ito
Itochu International Inc.
Mr. David Janes
Mrs. Patricia Janes
Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA)
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission
Mr. Minoru Kano
Mrs. Eiko Kano
Dr. Yuko Kakazu
Mr. Nasser Kazeminy
Mr. James Kondo
Mr. Edward Kuba
Russell Investments
Dr. Faisal Mahmood
Tanaka Memorial Foundation
Dr. Cherry Murray
Mrs. Makiko Ueshima
Okinawa Cultural Performance
Mr. Takeshi Ueshima
Mr. Tomoyuki Uehara
Ms. Donna Vuchinich
Ms. Julie Meier Wright
Mr. Yasumasa Yamamoto
The OIST Foundation is a proud member of the Japanese University Network in the Bay Area (JUNBA), a member of the New York Council of Nonprofits, and holds a Gold Seal of Transparency from Guidestar.
The OIST Foundation does not solicit or accept support from the U.S. Department of Defense or any branch of the military.